Quinlan Imaging Consultation
Quinlan Imaging Consultation
Imaging consultation for the chiropractic physician

Our Services
Thank you for allowing us to provide the most comprehensive interpretation of your patient's diagnostic imaging.
Digital submission is preferred and is at no cost to the referring doctor. X-ray and report submission is 100% HIPAA compliant. A private user account will be made for your office to which you can submit your patient's images with a simple drag & drop of your .dcm (DICOM) files. Reports will be will be returned within 24 hours of submission. STAT requests are available at no additional cost.
Additionally, images may be submitted as conventional films or as DICOM images on a CD. Contact Dr. Ruof for submission instructions.
Fee schedule
$20 per region
$15 per additional body region on the same patient
* High volume discount is available
Additional Information
Courier services and a variable fee schedule may be available for practices with high volume. Please call Dr. Erin Ruof at 630.696.6166 or email at quinlan.dacbr@gmail.com for more information regarding these options.
We will digitally submit or securely email a PDF copy of the report within 24 hours of receipt of the images. STAT reports and telephone consultation is available, upon request. Additionally, Dr. Ruof will contact the referring physician if there is any finding that requires urgent attention.
Please see the Submission Instructions link for further submission instructions.
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